Bringing Out the Best in Us
Like so many businesses around the world, The Daniels Group has changed. Prior to the Pandemic, we were humming along with double-digit growth and feeling the wind at our backs. Then, literally overnight, we found ourselves in a new economy.
The Daniels Group has two main divisions; commercial printing and a 24/7 call center. Soon after the lock down was issued by Governor Cooper, both of our divisions were classified as “essential businesses” by The State of North Carolina. In a matter of hours, we had all of our call center operators setup remotely. Our call volumes went through the roof as our customers closed their offices and sent all of their phone calls to us. We became the trusted voice for medical offices, home health organizations, non-profits, and hundreds of other businesses.
Meanwhile, our print production area was put on a daily disinfecting schedule and we setup safe-distancing protocols for our workers. Little did we know things were about to change.
A Call Center customer of ours referred a nearby textile manufacturer to us. They were re-tooling to make reusable, medical grade masks. Could we answer their phone inquiries once they launched their product? “Sure!” we said.
Soon after launch, the CEO of their company was interviewed on a morning cable news program. If we told you how many masks they sold that day, you wouldn’t believe us. Needless to say, we ramped up quickly. We hired several more customer service agents and away we went!
Our Client Care Team cleared a backlog of thousands of customer emails and, after a few short weeks of handling all of their customer service needs (phone and email), we were asked to bid on handling their warehousing and order fulfillment.
Last week we sent our truck to the manufacturing plant to pick up our first round of masks. We are going again this week for another load. Our warehouse is humming with activity. Our fulfillment staff has expanded and we once again feel the wind at our back.
We feel that one of our greatest strengths is our ability to adapt to market needs. If your business has also changed, maybe we can help you too.